Hello guys!
How are you?
This is a tag that has been going around during the last couple of days and I really liked the idea of telling some random facts about yourself so that, in this case, you as my readers, will learn things about me that you haven't known. So let's get started.
#1 I suck at sport and was never good in it, especially in team sports. So only think I can do is playing golf.
#2 My best subjects are history and art.
#3 I hate R.E., but I am good in it.
#4 I hate workouts that I longer than 30 minutes.
#5 I have a phobia of snails. When I see them or someone is talking about them, I get goose bump, my body starts to shake and the longing to run away.
#6 I always eat breakfast.
#7 I can't do a workout before breakfast otherwise I would faint.
#8 I have an addictive personality which means that I can get addicted to everything: reading, food, health, sport, chewing gum, games etc.
#9 I love learning.
#10 I always have to do something otherwise I feel useless. I think you call this a workaholic.
#11 I am a really early bird. I hate to sleep in because I always have the feeling that I have to do soooo much.
#12 I only go clubbing approx. 3-5 times a year, because I hate to stay awake longer than 2.30 a.m. as I hate to sleep in :)
#13 I love watching documentaries!
#14 love reading Atlas and browsing through fact books.
#15 I am pretty good in written discussions or argumentations.
#16 I don't think Beauty is the most important in the world and would never do something like blogging or "youtubing" as a full-time job.
#17 I am pretty reasonable, rational and inpatient. Thus, some people think that i am not that caring or open-hearted, but I really care for people that are important for me and also can be hurt pretty easily.
#18 Therefore, I hate drama and appear to be really calm without behaving insecure.
#19 During a conflict I always try to understand the other position in order to reflect about my one.
#20 My first CD was Britney Spears "Oops... I Did It Again"
#21 I adored Britney Spears, Westlife and B3 as a child.
#22 I have periods where I am totally into books and then I read noting for 1/4 year also because of school stress.
#23 I am a bit of an hypochondriac.
#24 I have a huge feeling of disgust, thus, I can't use someone's glass, cutlery etc. and hate public toilets.
#25 I like to flirt.
#26 I am 100% German (1/4 Bavarian, 1/2 Hessian, 1/4 now Czech Republic, but before that it was called "Sudentenland")
#27 I have a really sweet tooth.
#28 I love watching at landscapes, e.g. USA, Canada, but only on TV.
#29 I am a tea-addict.
#30 I have never travelled to country outside of Europe, but I have travelled a lot.
#31 I go hunting.
#32 I am neither vegetarian nor vegan.
#33 I hate fish to eat, to watch, to feel, ....
#34 I get homesick so badly every single time when I am traveling.
#35 Bangs look absolutely horrible on me, but I have always had bangs.
#36 When I was 6 years old, I visited my grandparents and because I was so bored, I wrote a little letter in which I explained that I definitely don't want to stay here any longer. Unfortunately, my grandmother found the letter in the bin and was totally depressed. My mum asked me to apologise for this, but I never did as I was convinced that it was incredible boring there. :)
#37 The first Youtubers that I discovered where the German ones EbruZa and Sturmboe, then I discovered the "English" Youtubers Kandee Johnsson and Pixi2woo.
#38 I am a perfectionist.
#39 I love neutral colours and gold, ivory and dark brown.
#40 I am nearsighted and also own contact lenses, but I always forget them.
#41 I am a bit observant, so that I recognise weird habits or insecurities of other people really fast.
#42 I get bored really quickly and can't do something for a really long time, e.g. 3 hours reading.
#43 I get mean and unfriendly when I am tired and hungry.
#44 I never was a girly girl.
#45 As a child, I always dreamed of having light blonde hair.
#46 I am really bad in making decisions.
#47 I always wake up at 6am during the week and at 7am on the weekend.
#48 I like to be organised and plan everything, but I had it when other people do it.
#49 I keep my mobile phone turned off on weekends and during holidays.
#50 I always say that I don't like coffee, but I have started to love it.
Congratulations every one who made it through all fifty facts.. no not fifty shades of Marie :) I hope you found a bit interesting and
let me know a few random fact about you!
Lots of love,