
Dream Night Abroad in Barcelona (Outfit, Food,...)

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." 
    - St. Augustine
I love to travel as I love to get to know new cultures and to get inspired by all the new impressions. Thus, I was really excited when Smartling - an online translation technology company  - asked me to be a part in their project "Dream Night Abroad" in which I tell how my dream night would look like, what I eat, wear and how I deal with the different language.

My destination for my dream night would be Barcelona. Barcelona is such a beautiful city combining beach and city, old buildings and new postmodern architecture and the Catalan flair. I would start my perfect day with visiting La Sagrada Familia, followed by a relaxed walk through the city and their parcs. Then I would stop at the Boqueria Market for a snack.

In the evening, I would walk through the beautiful historical old town with its fantastic architecture. Then I will have a beautiful dinner at one of the lovely restaurants in El Born and will have a cocktail, or two, in a bar with good music at the beach. I would finish my day with taking a long and really relaxing walk along the beach with my best friend or beloved one. 

This would be my outfit for the night:

Blouse - Mango
Leather Biker trousers - Zara
High Heels - Buffalo
Bag - Mango
Leatherjacket - Esprit

The Spanish Mediterranean food tastes absolutely amazing, so to find something to eat would be no problem for me. I would love to have a fresh fruit juice and some empanadas in the Boqueria Market. At the restaurant I would go for a great paella with a good red wine from the region and a Crema Catalana for dessert.

I actually can't speak Spanish. However, the different languages wouldn't be a problem for me. I would learn basic sentences beforehand and also take a dictionary with me. The best thing is not be afraid of talking to native speakers. That's the best and easiest way to learn the language. If I would receive any longer texts that I need to understand, I would use a translation program, such as Smartling, in order to understand them. 

This would be my dream night in Barcelona. How would your dream night look like and where would you like to stay?

All the best,


Launch: Bonobos Fall 2014 Men's Suit Collection

Everybody knows "You are what you wear" or "Clothes make the man". Clothes convey the first impression and this first impression is often very important. A good-looking and well-fitted suit is not only a stable in every men's clothed, it also represents elegance, seriousness, responsibility and success. Every man looks attractive in an excellent suit.

However, every man knows how difficult it is to find a good suit. Now, I have got the solution for you: Bonobos, a fashion label specialized in men's clothes, has launched a new Fall 2014 Men's Suit Collection.

The fantastic thing about the new collection is that they made their signature Italian wool Foundation suit even better this fall with brand new fabrics and updated interior details, including a more ergonomic interior pocket so grabbing that business card is as smooth as your first impression.

A finely-tailored wool suit is warm on its own, but you can always add a topcoat into the mix. Their suits come in Standard and Slim fits, and Short, Regular and Tall sizes, so you can find the perfect fit for you.

The Fall 2014 men's suit collection was inspired by the early British rock invasion style, before they were all glam rock stars. Mick Jagger before he went big played a major part in the inspiration, this was all when he was still a lad. Other bands in their early days played a major role as well such as Kinks, early Who, and Screaming Lord Sutch.

With the new Bonobos Suits your frustrating search for the perfect suit has ended. 

Visit Bonobos now online or at one of their local stores!

Suit up for Fall! 

All the best,


Meine Woche 1 & 2 mit Size Zero

Hey meine Lieben,

ich habe die ersten zwei Wochen von Size Zero geschafft, daher wollte ich euch meine ersten Eindrücke und Erfahrungen zu dem Programm mitteilen.

Das Trainingsprogramm besteht aus Push und Pull Einheiten kombiniert mit Ausdauer, sowie einer Ausdauer Einheit. Ich war bisher eine sehr sportliche Person und war mindestens viermal in der Woche im Fitnessstudio und dennoch hatte ich den schlimmsten Muskelkater seit langem. Nach der ersten Push Einheit konnte ich mich nicht aus dem Bett bewegen :) Man muss also nach dem Programm fünfmal in der Woche Sport machen, aber es fällt mir nicht schwer, da die Einheiten an sich nicht länger als 45 Minuten dauern und sehr abwechslungsreich sind.

Der Ernährungsplan ist exakt angegeben, dennoch hat man genug Freiheiten um individuelle Rezepte zu kreieren. Schaut mal bei meinem Instagram Account vorbei. Dort poste ich regelmäßig meine Ideen :) -> LINK

Es handelt sich hier um eine Low Carb Diet, wobei die Kohlenhydrate langsam reduziert werden. Mittags kann man noch seine Nudeln essen, aber abends fallen sie weg. Für mich als absoluter Reis und Nudel-Süchtiger war das eine enorme Umstellung. Und ich hatte erste Entzugserscheinungen. Nach dem Abendessen, ab ca. 21 Uhr hatte ich absolut keine Kraft mehr und konnte nur noch im Bett liegen. Auch hatte ich mit Übelkeit und Magenkrämpfen zu kämpfen. Aber ab Tag 5 hatte sich mein Körper an die Ernährungsumstellung gewöhnt. Ich hab jetzt absolut keine Beschwerden mehr :) Aber ich muss sagen, dass es einige Tage dauerte bis ich mich an die fehlenden Carbs am Abend gewöhnt hatte.

Ich bin beeindruckt wie tolle Gerichte man zaubern kann. Size Zero eröffnet mir jetzt schone eine ganz neue Rezeptwelt in der ich kreativ werden kann. Es war auch der Sonntag in Woche 2, als ich meinen ersten Kuchen ausprobiert habe:

Mein Lieblingsessen: Mittagessen, ich genieße meine Pasta :)
Meine Stimmung: Außer die anfänglichen "Entzugserscheinungen", sehr gut

Social Life:
Ich will den Punkt "Social Life" auch mit reinbringen. Durch die eingeschränkte Ernährung und den straffen Fitnessplan, wird oft erwähnt, dass man sein Sozialleben wie gemeinsame Treffen vernachlässigen muss. Ich muss sagen, dass es mir im Moment nicht schwer fällt. Ich treffe mich weiterhin mit Freunden. Entweder ich trinke mit meinen Freunden Size Zero konforme Getränke (light-Getränke, Tee, etc.) oder wenn ich weiß, dass ich abends Essen gehe, dann lege ich mir meine Carbs auf den Abend. Aber das hab ich jetzt die zwei Wochen jeweils einmal gemacht.

Das Size Zero Programm gefällt mir bis jetzt sehr gut. Durch die tolle Facebook Army wird man sehr motiviert weiterzumachen. Vielleicht ist es noch die Anfangseuphorie, aber ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Programm und hatte mir es erst schwerer vorgestellt.

Habt ihr schon Erfahrungen mit Size Zero?

Alles Liebe,


Size Zero - Deine Topform in 10 Wochen

Hallo meine Lieben!
Wie geht es euch?

Ich habe mich lange nicht mehr gemeldet, auch weil ich mein Leben sortieren musste. Ein Teil davon war und ist meine Ernährung. Seit ich alleine lebe, habe ich noch nicht das richtige Gefühl für eine Portionsgröße bekommen. Die Folge war trotz meines Fitnessprogramms GEWICHTSZUNAHME. Nach meinem 21. Geburtstag dachte ich mir, jetzt reichte. Meine Fitnessbemühungen sollen sich zeigen, ich will endlich zu meiner Topform gelangen und wirkliche Erfolge zielen. Ich entschloss mich kurzerhand für das Size Zero Programm von Julian Zietlow und seiner Verlobten Alina (link).

Was ist Size Zero?
Hinter Size Zero verbirgt sich nicht die Kleidergröße. Es handelt sich vielmehr um ein 10 Wochenprogramm, um seine persönliche Topform zu erreichen. Es beinhaltet sowohl einen Ernährungs-, als auch einen Fitnessplan, der sich alle zwei Wochen variiert. Das ganze kostet stolze 300€.

Warum keine normale Diät?
300€ ist nicht gerade wenig und gerade im Vergleich dazu erscheint eine gesunde Ernährung oder eine günstigere, wenn nicht sogar kostenlose Diät als sinnvoller. Jedoch spornt mich gerade der Preis verbunden mit der reißen Unterstützung vom Team und den Girls auf Facebook gerade an dem Programm zu folgen. Wo bekommt man noch so viel tolle Motivation?

Was nun?
Ich werde für euch wöchentliche Updates geben und von meinem Erfahrungen in der Woche berichten. Zudem werde ich ein Endfazit ziehen, sodass ihr euch ein eigens Bild über das Ganze machen könnt.

Ich freue mich auf die 10 Wochen und die Veränderungen :)

Alles Liebe,


Ich brauche Hilfe: Glossybox, Pinkbox, Douglasbox?

Hey Leute,

tut mir leid, dass seit langem wieder kein Blogpost kam, aber ich bin gerade in meiner Klausurenphase. Ich finde im Moment am Tag vielleicht eine freie Stunde und dann bin ich total kaputt vom ganzem Lernen, Sport und Haushalt. Ja, das ist das Leben von einem Jurastudenten :)

Dennoch brauche ich dringend eure Hilfe. Ich habe mir überlegt auch eine monatliche Beautybox zu holen. Ich weiß, dass man nicht immer das bekommt, was man unbedingt braucht, aber für 15€ ist das doch eine ganz schöne Abwechslung und man bekommt sozusagen jeden Monat ein kleines Geschenk. Aber es gibt ja so viele Boxen.
Deswegen wollte ich euch fragen, welche Box könnt ihr mir empfehlen? 
Die Glossybox, Pinkbox oder die Douglasbox?

Ein paar Beispiele

1. Glossybox

Juni Box (Link)
März Box (Link)
April Box (Link)

2. Pinkbox

Juni Box (Link)
Mai Box (Link)
April Box (Link)

3. Douglasbox

Juni Box (Link)
April Box (Link)

Falls ihr schon Erfahrungen mit einen von den Boxen oder mehreren gemacht habt, dann lasst es mich bitte wissen. Welche findet ihr am besten? Ich bin echt für jede Meinung dankbar :) 

Bis dahin wünsch ich euch noch eine Woche und viel Erfolg bei den Klausuren falls ein paar von euch auch noch im Klausurenstress sind wie ich.

Eure ♥ Marie 


Here is a Method That Helps You to Apply Sunscreen Correctly

It is hot outside. You are bathing in the sun. The sun is burning on streets and on your skin. Everyone knows it: you have to apply sunscreen before ring out in the sun, but hoe does sunscreen really works, which sunscreen should I use and when should I reapply it. If you are interested in this topic then keep on reading. 

How does sunscreen work?
Sunscreen protects your skin from dangerous UV radiation which cause skin cancer, wrinkles and any other skin damages by consisting of different chemical ingredients. As I am not that skilled in answering this question in detail, Everyday Mysteries did a fantastic job in this:

"Sunscreen works by combining organic and inorganic active ingredients. Inorganic ingredients like zinc oxide or titanium oxide reflect or scatter ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Organic ingredients like octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC) or oxybenzone absorb UV radiation, dissipating it as heat. Some sunscreens protect us from the two types of damaging UV radiation: UV-A and UV-B. Both UV-A and UV-B cause sunburns and damaging effects such as skin cancer."
answered by Everyday Mysteries

Which sunscreen should I use?
Recently a serious foundation that is testing product came out that cheap sunscreens from the drugstore do protect the skin best. Expensive luxury brands or even more expensive sunscreens from the drugstore didn't had the right ratio of UVA and UVB factor. Some also claimed to have another SPF than they actually had. So here is cheap better than expensive!

photo by pinterest

Which SPF should I use?
The SPF is in proportion to the intensity of sunrays, so it depends in which region you live. If you live approx. in the 50° latitude then it's fine to use a SPF of 15 in winter and 30 in the summer. Obviously, people in Africa or even in California have to use a higher SPF. However, the choice of SPF also depends on your skin type and your self-protection tim of the sun.

Skin Type 1 (very fair skin, red hair) - 5-10 min
Skin Type 2 (fair skin, blond) - 10-20 min
Skin Type 3 (slightly bronzed skin, dark blonde/brown hair) - 20-30 min
Skin Type 4 (dark, really tanned skin, brown/black hair) - 30-45 min

So this means that when you use a SPF of 30, your personal self-protection time of the sun is multi plicated by 30. So the sunscreen would protect my skin for 5-6 hours (I am skin type 2).

When to reapply sunscreen?
Some sunscreen claim with the banner: "Once a day". Well, totally ignore that because that is definitely not true. Your sunscreen protects your skin for a certain amout of time, as I have mentioned above. Once this time is exceeded, no sunscreen in the world can elongate the time. Thus, after a few hours you just have to go out of the sun, take a break and maybe after a little while you can go back to the sun. But remember, two hours in the sun are definitely enough for everyone.

I hope you found this helpful. Please let me know whether you like bathing in the sun?

Wish you a wonderful day!
Lots of love,


Fitness & Diet Update!

Hello guys!

How are you?
As you might have know from my fitness and recipe posts, I have always been really into this area, however, a lot has changed during the las couple of days. If you want to follow what I am eating, then pleas check out my INSTAGRAM *Link*. I just joined it and post special meals that I do there.

So since I moved out into my very first flat, I can't do my indoor home workout from DailyHIIT, Zuzka Light, Blogilates or Jillian Michaels anymore as my neighbours would literally kill me when I do that 5 times a week. Thus, I started to incorporate a lot of jogging in my workout schedule, but firstly, it starts getting really cold and secondly, I always had such a bad feeling while exercising at home.

Therefore, my decision was made: I joined a gym. I recently posted a post in which I tell you the benefits that I detected by joining a gym. Have a look at this post because it explains why I love the gym so much and would take to long to explain it here *Link*

Now I am exercising 4 days a week for about 1-1 1/2 hours. The surprising thing is that it doesn't appear to be so long in the gym. So I am doing a mix of cardio and strength, consisting of 5-10 min warm up on a cardio exercise, then 30-40 min of strength and again 30-45 min of cardio. For my cardio part I usually go running because I burn the most calories there. For the strength part I am currently doing either a full-bdy program or a 3 split program. In a few weeks I am also going to incorporate  a lot of free exercises into my strength program. If I want to try out something new, I just go into one of these courses that the gym provides.

The focus on my diet is to reduce my body fat, maybe also a tiny bit of weight, but not that much. I just discovered LOOX which provides free nutritional plans. I am going to write a review of this site in a few days, but so far I follow a nutritional plan which is protein based and is designed for 4 weeks. I usually see results pretty fast when I am consequent and so far, I am pretty goof in it, however, I allow myself to have 2-3 cheat meals per week. As I said before, I am going to write a review of this sit, but the plan is a great guideline and help to get your diet in the right direction.

I will let you know how much my body fat percentage has reduced and if I am able to keep this weight. Let me know what do you think about nutritional plans and joining a gym?

I wish you a wonderful day!


The MOST Effective Weight Loss Recipe!

Hey everybody!
Today I want to show you how you can do a super delicious Stir Fry with rice. This is not only very easy and fast, but also incredibly healthy and thus, also perfect for everyone who wants to get in shape for summer. This is such a basic recipe that I make almost every evening. I hope you enjoy it as I also lost quite a bit of blood while cutting the sweet onions :) 

Stir Fry with Rice (Vegan)

Ingredients (makes 2 large portions)
  • 120g of rice in a cooking bag
  • 1 onion
  • 1 peperoni 
  • handful of various veggies (here I used: sweet onion, sweet corn, broccoli, sugar snaps)
  • soy sauce
  • coriander
  • ginger


 1. Boil the water in a small pot with a bit of salt.

2. Once it starts boiling, put in the rice in the cooking bag. Cook it as long as the package tells you (here 10 min).

3. While the rice is cooking, cut all the vegetables.

4. Add a bit of olive oil in a pan and head it up.

5. Add all the veggies and fry them till they are slightly brown.

  6. Add the cooked rice. Mix it up and flavour it with salt, pepper, soy sauce, ginger and coriander.

And then you are done in about 15 minutes with an incredible delicious meal! For this recipe you can use so many different vegetables, you can add chicken or shrimps, so that it never gets boring.
It is really satisfying and still healthy. So please give it a try and tell me what you think about it!

Have a delicious food day! :)



Little Known Ways to Find Your Skin Undertone

Determining your skin undertone can help you to make the most flattering choices in make up, jewellery and fashion. Choosing the right colours for you, can make your skin, hair and eyes appear to be more shiny, radiant and glowing. There are different, easy techniques to find out which skin undertone you have. 

Skin undertones

The first one is the cool undertone where you have got rather blue, pink or red undertones. Celebrities with a cool undertone are Januars Jones, Scarlett Johansson, Lucy Lu, Anne Hathaway.
The second one is the warm undertone where you have a more yellow or orange undertone. Celebrities with a warm undertone are Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Aniston.
The last one is the neural undertone where there's a mix of warm and cool undertoneExamples of celebrities with a neutral undertone: Dita Von Teese, Alyssa Milano, Kelly Clarkson, Victoria Beckham.

The Vein Test

The easiest way to find out your skin undertone ist to look at the colour of your veins. Just look at your veins on the inside of your wrist. If they are more blue, you have a cool undertone. If they are more green, then you have a warm undertone. If you can tell probably ore they are a mix of both, you are a neutral undertone.

White Fabric Test

Pull your hair back in a tight ponytail and out a white towel or T-shirt around your neck and shoulders. If your skin's reflection ist more blue, you have a cool undertone. If your skin looks more yellow, you are a warm undertone and when your skin looks more green, then you are neutral.

Silver/Gold Test

Put on silver and gold jewelleries and have a look which flatters you most. If silver look better one you, you have a cool undergone. If gold looks better on you have a warm undertone. If you think both look good on you, then you might be neutral.

There is also the possibility to determine your undertone by looking at your eye and hair colour, however, I am not a fan of this techniques, as there are so many exceptions in this techniques. For example, I have green eyes (cool), but dark blond hair with a red undertone (warm). This technique only works for a few people.

These were the techniques to find your skin undertone that worked for me. I hope this was helpful. Let me know which undertone you are!

All the best,


How BenjimanTV saved my life

Hello everyone!

How are you? This blog post will be different from my other posts. This will be a personal message to Benji, also known as Benjimantv who is Judy's husband and also has his own youtube channel (Link) and uploads great food pictures on his Instagram account (Link). I am not silly, I know that he probably will never read this, but I really have to thank him. If you want to know why, then keep on reading.

Dear Benji,

firstly, congratulations on birth of your lovely girls Keira and Miya. Also with having your sweet daughter Julianna and the wonderful Judy, you are having such a beautiful family!
You are not only a great father and inspiring considering your regular workout routine, but also an amazing cook. And that's actually the point of this post. You are focusing on cooking healthy with lots of vegetables while keeping it tasty. Additionally, you are combining Japanese food with international recipes. I love the excitement that you put into buying groceries and preparing the recipes and in the end, sharing that all with us.

Because of you, I have rediscovered my passion for healthy cooking, enjoying cooking and actually carrying about what I put into my body.
The thing is that I have a rather hard relationship with food. 4 years ago I became anorexic. The cause were personal problems in school including bullying. It took me a long time to find a way out of this illness and only stopped therapy 1 1/2 years ago. Since then my relationship to food stayed pretty difficult as I swapped between an incredible healthy lifestyle to eating total crap.
It was never that bad that I only ate fast food because I always stayed an athletic person and never wanted to ruin my body totally. However, I stopped carrying about food, I didn't enjoy eating and didn't want to eat any veggies explicitly.
You not only pushed myself back into my old fitness level, but also revived the conscience of eating healthy and actually carrying about what I put into my body. I am also not talking about a temporary change as I already changed my whole eating habits for one month now and I am not even thinking about changing this any soon. As everyone says, fitness and health is made in the kitchen and I can totally confirm this.
So thank you so so much, Benji! By sharing your healthy and tasty recipes with the world, you have changed my life completely. You helped me to come back on track and to actually build up a healthy relationship to food.
Thank you very much for this!!!

All the best,



TMI Tag!

Hey everyone!
The TMI Tag is currently going around and I thought I should also do these tag. It appears to be quiet personal, but I think it is a great way to get to know my a bit more. As there are a lot of questions, I will start right into it.
1: What are you wearing?
A white tiger Tee from Mango, black loose cardigan by Espirt and a khaki green jeggings by Vero Moda.
2: Ever been in love?
Oh yes.
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Oh yes.
4: How tall are you?
1,73m or 5'8''
5: How much do you weigh?
I am not sure. I think like 65 kg or 143 pounds.
6: Any tattoos?
No, but I want one.
7: Any piercings?
Only two earpiercings.
8: OTP?
9: Favorite show?
I love "Das Perfekte Dinner" on Vox so much. I watch it every day from Monday to Friday and really want to participate in his show. "Rosins Restaurant" is also great.
10: Favorite bands?
Hudson Taylor! ♥ Besides, I like electronic music, but they are usually not bands. 
11: Something you miss?
Mum's fantastic breakfast, less worries ;) 
12: Favorite song?
Oh lord, they are sooo much. They change every week. I would say currently I love "Helplessly Hoping" by Hudson Taylor feat. Gabrielle Aplin, "Brother" by Mighty Oaks, "You & Me" by Disclosure feat. Eliza Doolittle and "Baila Morena" by Zucchero.
13: How old are you?
20 years old.
14: Zodiac sign?
Sorry, what is Zodiac?
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
Humour, makes me laugh and not to conservative, stiff attitude.
16: Favorite Quote?
I like a lot of quotes, e.g. "He who kneels before God can stand before anyone" or "Der Gebildete treibt die Genauigkeit nicht weiter, als es der Natur der Sache entspricht".
17: Favorite actor?
Leonardo DiCaprio :)
18: Favorite color?
Gold, Pink, Nude.
19: Loud music or soft?
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
Doing sport.
21: How long does it take you to shower?
Depending on whether I do my short or longer routine it takes me 5 or 15 minutes.
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
It depends. My fast routine till I am completely ready with makeup etc. takes 30 minutes. My really long routine with tanning etc etc takes 1h-1:30h.
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
Yes, unfortunately, I was.
24: Turn on?
Humour, taking job/uni/school serious and life relaxed.
25: Turn off?
Ignorance, intolerance, stiff people, bullying, arrogance.
26: The reason I joined Youtube?
To subscribe and keep up with my fav youtubers. I have never done any videos.
27: Fears?
Darkness :(
28: Last thing that made you cry?
Probably the thought of failing my exam.
29: Last time you said you loved someone?
Two months ago.
30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name?
Please see question No. 26.
31: Last book you read?
"The Snowman" by Jo Nesbo.
32: The book you’re currently reading?
Currently none, but I assume that it will be another JO Nesbo one. The last one was sooo good!
33: Last show you watched?
"Grill den Henssler" on VOX.
34: Last person you talked to?
My mum on phone. A friend in uni in reality.
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
REALLY difficult and often confusing with heart breakings.
36: Favorite food?
At the moment Stir Fry. My all time favourite is pasta! <3
37: Place you want to visit?
California,Vancouver, Thailand, Seychellen, China.
38: Last place you were?
39: Do you have a crush?
40: Last time you kissed someone?
About a month ago.
41: Last time you were insulted?
Two weeks ago by some naughty elementary school girls.
42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
43: What instruments do you play??
Fluet, Guitar.
44: Favorite piece of jewelry?
Oh my favourite earrings broke two weeks ago. These were basic swarovski studs which I have to rebuy very soon!
45: Last sport you played?
A one hour full body training by Jillian Michaels (Link)
46: Last song you sang?
"Of the night" by Bastille.
47: Favorite chat up line?
Hey, how are you?
48: Have you ever used it?
Yes haha, not that special.
49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
Well, I hang out with my friends every day in uni. 
50: Who should answer these questions next?
Anyone who likes to answer them :)

I hope you enjoyed this tag. Please leave me a comment by telling me what your favorite band is!
Have a wonderful day, guys!


5 Drugstore Products That You Need to Have

Hey everyone!

How are you?
I hope you are doing well. I am come right from a fantastic jog which I can totally recommend in order to boost your mood. Today I want to tell you my five favourite drugstore products, that you need to have. I tried to pick international makeup brands so that you can purchase these amazing products almost everywhere.

Product № 1

My first recommendation is the Soft Sensation Lipcolor Butter Ultra Vibrant Color by Astor (Link). This is a dupe to the hyped Chubby Sticks by Clinique. They cost instead of 20€ only 6,50€. All colour are very rich and long lasting while still giving the lips moisture and not drying them out. 

Product № 2 

Next comes the NYX Powder Blush in "Mocha" (Link). I added it to the drugstore section because I don't think that it is an high-end brand even though you can't buy it in the drugstore here in Germany. The shade "Mocha" is a soft mid-rose colour which works especially good on pale to medium-pale skin. It is not that highly pigmented, but this makes the application much easier and makes the look really natural. 

Product № 3

My absolute favourite product ever is the Essence I love Extreme Volume Mascara (Link)! I think this is one of the cheapest mascaras that you can get in drugstores. It only costs 2,75€ and is the best mascara I have ever used. It gives amazing voluminous, thigh and long lashes - a total all rounder!

Product № 4

I love the Catrice Camouflage Cream (Link). In Germany, there hardly existed any camouflage that wasn't totally overpriced. Catrice's Camouflage is a great cheap version to the Mac Concealer. It has more coverage than a regular concealer without creasing or making these dry patches around a pimples. Seriously, since I am using this on top of my foundation, everyone thinks that I have super clear skin. 

Product № 5

The last product is the Essence Eyebrow Stylist Set (Link). I am sorry for the bad condition, but as you can see, this product is well used. It includes a small brush with whom you can define blond to brown eyebrows. I am not sure whether you can purchase this in every country, however, if you are able to get in anywhere, please give it a try. 

These were my 5 drugstore products that you need to have. These are really products that I use on a daily basis, so you can definitely be sure that these products are the best out of my collection. I hope they work as good as they work for me. 
Do you know one of these products?

I wish you a wonderful day!


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