
LOW-CALORIE Vanilla Yogurt Muffins! Perfect for Weight Loss!

I stumbled upon this amazing recipe that doesn't contain any butter or any other extra calories. Seriously, I didn't believed that it would taste good, but it actually taste absolutely amazing and one muffin has ONLY 90 calories! To this basic muffin recipe you can add any flavour or adds you want, e.g. I decided to add some cherries. So if you want to know how you can bake these tasty low-calorie vanilla yoghurt muffins, then keep on reading.

The Ingredients
For 12 muffins:
  • 100g sugar
  • 1 big egg
  • 150g vanilla yogurt
  • 150g flour
  • 2 tbsp of baking powder
  • vanilla flavour

I also added: 2 drops of bitter almond flavour, morello cherries & red food colouring
Topping: sugar glaze with slight lemon taste & edible paper flowers
1. Preheat your oven to 180°C.
2. Put the wet and dry ingredients in separate bowls. Add the sugar, egg and yogurt into a larger bowl. 
3. Mix it really well & add the dry ingredients slowly to the rest so that you get a nice dough.
4. Add the vanilla flavour or any other flavour that you like and the red food colouring.
5. Add the morello cherries and mix them carefully with the dough. I would recommend a cooking spoon.
6. Distribute the dough to a muffin baking tin and bake the muffins for 15 minutes at 180°C.
7. For the topping I added just some sugar glaze that had a slight lemon flavour and decorated the muffin with some flowers made out of edible paper.
And then you have your muffins! I can only say once again that they taste incredible. They are really soft, moisturized and naturally sweet because of the vanilla yoghurt. I seriously can not taste a difference to normal muffins and the muffins are full of juicy cherries because we just mixed them very lightly. However, the best thing is that you can eat them without having a guilty conscience and even during a diet!

Please let me know whether you liked these muffins?
Wish you a wonderful day!
Lots of love,


Things About Me - Tag

1. Beschreibe dich in 3 Wörtern!
ehrgeizig, ungeduldig, vernünftig

2. Wie fühlst du dich, wenn du einen Blog schreibst?

Zuerst war es eher unangenehm, da man sozusagen ins Nichts seine Gedanken hinein schrieb und dennoch für das Nichts das Beste und die hilfreichsten Posts schreiben wollte. Mittlerweile hat sich das mit den ersten Followers gewandelt. Ich schreibe nun einen Post, weil ich weiß, es interessiert sich jemanden dafür, weshalb ich auch immer mehr Spaß am bloggen finde.

3. Was magst du nicht an deinem Aussehen?

Ich mag Füße überhaupt nicht und finde auch diese Fettpolster an den Oberschenkelinnenseiten völlig unnötig.

4. Ohne welches Produkt willst du nicht rausgehen?

Concealer. Es kaschiert meine Unreinheiten und Augenringe und es schadet ja nie zu minntest ein wenig lebendiger und frischer das Haus zu verlassen.

5. Machst du etwas obwohl du es nicht kannst? Wenn ja, was?Ich habe nie das Gitarre spielen professionell gelernt, sondern habe es mir in den letzten Jahren mehr oder weniger versucht selbst beizubringen. Nun ja, es ich kann Lieder spielen, aber ich bin definitiv kein Gitarrenvirtuose. Dennoch hält das mich nicht davon ab, Gitarre zu spielen :)

6. Was würdest du gerne an dir ändern, tust es aber nie?
Ich wollte mir schon immer meine Haare färben. Ich wollte sie immer heller haben, mittlerweile würde ich sogar braun ausprobieren.

7. Was magst du nicht an anderen Menschen?Ungerechtigkeit, Unpünktlichkeit und Scheinheiligkeit, also wenn jemand nur auf freundlich tut, man ihm jedoch genau ansehen kann, dass er es nicht so meint. 

8. Nenne 4 Dinge, die du gerne machst!
Okay, nur 4: Sport, Bloggen, Youtube und gesund/leicht Essen

9. Gibt es ein Kleidungsstück, welches du nicht magst, aber trotzdem trägst?Ich mag nicht so gern 3/4 Hosen oder generell Hosen im Boyfriend-Cut. Jedoch meinen viele, dass sie mir stehen, ich finde sie persönlich eher unangenehm.

10. Wie wichtig ist dir das Aussehen?
Mir ist mein Aussehen schon wichtig, jedoch beziehe ich das eher auf gepflegtes Auftreten. Man sollte es nicht mit dem Aussehen übertreiben, oft ist weniger mehr. Daher denke ich, dass gesunde Zähne und gewaschene Haare wichtiger sind als ein durchgestyltes Outfit.

11. Gibt es etwas was du sammelst?

Außer Make-up eigentlich nichts. Ich hab aber früher als Kind Briefmarken, Steine, Münzen und Sticker gesammelt.

12. Was tust du wenn dir keiner zuschaut?

Laut Musik hören und dazu abdancen :D

13. Welche Farben trägst du gerne auf deinen Nägeln?

Ich habe seit langem eine Obsession für goldenen Nagellack. Ich finde er sieht immer so luxuriös und edel und dennoch zurückhaltend aus. Auch trage ich gerne bronzene Töne.

14. Nenne 3 Dinge die dir am am anderen Geschlecht gefallen!

Humor (auch die Fähigkeit über sich selbst lachen zu können), Intelligenz und gutes Benehmen

15. Mit was kommst du nicht klar?
Zum einen mit Ungerechtigkeit. Das bezieht sich nicht nur auf Situationen bei mir, sondern auch bei Freunden oder in der Familie. Ich denke, wenn man ein Recht hat und dieses von anderen Menschen missachtet oder übergangen wird und man selbst unter den Konsequenzen leiden muss, so muss über diese Ungerechtigkeit gerichtet werden.
Zum anderen mir schlechtem Benehmen wozu ich auch Unpünktlichkeit mit einrechne. Auch wenn ich es immer wieder versuche, schlechtes Benehmen, was sich durch Unpünktlichkeit, schlechte Tischmanieren, Unhöflichkeit usw. ausdrückt, zeugt bei mir von schlechter Erziehung.

16. Welche berühmte Person bewunderst du?

Früher habe ich Robbie Williams vergöttert. Das hat sich jetzt mit dem Alter gelegt, doch er hat immer noch ein Platz in meinem Herzen :)

17. Was ist deine größte Angst?

Zukunftsängste und Verlustängste. Zukunftsängste, weil ich nicht weiß, was ich als Beruf genau später machen werde und wie mein Privatleben dann aussieht. Verlustängste, ja, weil ich Angst habe für mich ganz wichtige Menschen zu verlieren.

18. Was bedeutet Glück für dich?

"Viele Menschen versäumen das kleine Glück, während sie auf das Große vergebens warten"  Pearl S. Buck

Ich denke, dass das große Glück eine allumfassende und zufrieden stellende Lebenssituation ist, die alle Bereiche umfasst. Dennoch ist der Weg das Ziel und daher sollte man nicht das kleine Glück, was jeden Tag spürbar und zu finden ist wichtig, Jeder Tag bringt ein schönes Detail mit sich und es ist das kleine Glück, dieses zu erfassen.

19. Was planst du schon lange, aber hast es immer noch nicht gemacht?
Ich will unbedingt während meines Studiums oder auch für einen längeren Zeitraum in Großbritannien leben. Ich habe mich nur noch nicht getraut diesen Schritt zu gehen.

20. Nenne etwas Merkwürdiges über dich!

Ich wache öfters mitten in der Nacht auf und obwohl ich tot müde bin, habe ich einfach keine List mehr im Bett zu liegen und bin einfach gelangweilt vom schlafen. Dennoch zwinge ich mich dann aber weiter zu schlafen :D

21. Wen taggst du?

ALLE! Bitte macht mit bei diesem Tag! Es ist wirklich eine schöne Weise, den jenigen ein wenig besser kennenzulernen.

Postet mir doch bitte eure Version des Tags als Kommentar!
Was haltet ihr von Tags?

Alles Liebe,


Deep In The Forest - A Fall/Autumn Makeup Tutorial!

Hey guys! Fall is starting and when the weather gets cooler I always start to wear more make-up especially on the eyes. So I came up with a lightly more intense green smokey eye makeup. It is actually a lot more intense and greener than on the picture below. So let's get started!

The tutorial:
1. Apply a light beige shimmery eyeshadow all over the lid and in your inner corner.
2. Apply a medium green eyeshadow with a golden undertone to the outer half of your eyelid
3. Apply a golden eyeshadow to the middle of your eyelid
4. Use a really dark green eyeshadow and pat it onto your crease. Start blending it, but stay in the really outer part of your eye and elongate it towards your eyebrow.
5. Apply a white matte eyeshadow under your brow bone
6. Apply the darkest green colour to the outer part on your bottom lash line & the golden colour in the middle of your bottom lash line
7. Draw a black winged liner with a liquid eyeliner
8. Curl your lashes, apply mascara and your done with the eyes.

I would apply a sheer blush that just sculpts the face and doesn't take away the attention from the eyes, e.g. Sleek Suede Blush.

I went for a nude, but not dead nude lip. I used P2 Pure Colour Lipstick in 02 Sunset Boulevard and Esprit Lipgloss in Beige on top.

And that's it. Of course, this look isn't that natural, but I seriously received a lot of compliments because of this look. So please try it out & tell me do you like to wear heavier makeup when it is getting colder outside?

Wish you a wonderful day!
Lots of love,


Get The Look: Bohemian Chic Style

The Bohemian style is often described as being laid-back, a bit hipster and often not really suitable for a sophisticated night out. However, Nicole Richie shows us that the classic Bohemian style can easily transformed into a bohemian chic evening look just by adding a few details. Today I want to show you on one outfit how can achieve this look.

The Look
1. Fedora hat by Catarzi for 42,65€
2. Cat Eye Sunglasses by Asos for 21,33€ 
4. Black denim shorts by Bullhead for 32€
6. Real leather bag by H&M for 79,95€

Nicole Richie's combination of yellow and black looks so lovely and refreshing. Of course, this look can be a bit too cold for some of you in September, but you can just add a normal black jeans or a black waxed trousers. I think, this transformation is really beautiful as I love the bohemian style so much and with this it becomes more wearable even in the evening.  

I hope you found this post helpful & tell me whether you like the bohemian style?

Wish you a wonderful day!
Lots of love,


The Unofficial Date for the Beginning of Autumn/Fall


Does the fall really begins with 22th September? Or with the first leaves turning into yellow, orange and red, with the first grapes, the colder temperatures or the first cold that is catching you?

My (un)official date for the beginning of fall has something to do with the colder temperatures, but I feel primarily ready for autumn when I swap my closet from summer to autumn/winter clothes. I have an antique closet that consists among other things of two closet rails in a row. So I have to divide my closet into two sections and so I decided to divide them into seasons. I would prefer having just one closet rail because you have a better overview of your clothes and a lot of summer clothes can also be transformed into autumn clothes, but as this is an expensive and antique closet, I don't have the heart to buy a new one.

During the next weeks it can happen that I will skip one or two posts, because my exam weeks have just started. I hope you understand this, because school is really important for me.
I hope you found this post interesting & tell me when the autumn starts for you?

Have a wonderful autumn day!
Lots of love,


Edgy Short Leather Pants Outfit!

As it start to get a tiny bit colder these days, I though I am going to rock my short leather pants today before I have to start wearing them with tights. Unfortunately I don't own black leather ankle boots otherwise these would have been my choice for this outfit instead of my chucks. Jewelry-wise I just wore simple silver studs and no necklace because the shirt was a statement enough.

The Outfit
Blazer: H&M. Top: H&M. Leather shorts: H&M. Shoes: Slim Chucks

I haven't realised that I wear that much from H&M, but they do really great stuff. Hope you liked this post! What do you think about leather pants?

Wish you a wonderful day!
Lots of love,


Business Haul! - H&M, Esprit, Tom Tailor and more!

Today I want to show you a huge business haul where I bought all the clothes for the time I worked in an office. Actually you don't need a ton of clothes and even my ones are too much, because they don't mind when you wear a casual, but still sophisticated t-shirt. Also, you are young and why should you dress so conservative. So if you want to know which business clothes I bought then keep on reading.
Firstly I decided to buy a few trousers, because you are not supposed to wear jeans in an office. So I bought a red trousers from TomTailor and also a blue trousers from Tom Tailor.
This beige trousers is from Esprit. It is a quite classic colour, but so elegant and wearable for any occasion.
Here we go with a lovely black cropped blazer from H&M. I actually have a normal length black blazer, but I thought this would be so cool when I wear e.g. high waisted skirts.
My last purchases are all from a german department store called Peek & Cloppenburg or P&C, but I am sure you can find something like this in your country too. So this is a red blazer whose inside is nwhite with blue starts. I also call this blazer my United States-blazer :)
This is a purple blouse that is a bit lighter and can be of example tugged in a trousers.
This is a standard elegant navy blue blouse with short sleeves. I absolutely loved to pair this one with a black high waisted skirt and navy pumps.
This is the same type of blouse just in red.
And here you can see the most old-fashioned item for me in which I didn't feel that comfortable, but I still like it. It is a blouse with red and white longitudinal stripes and long sleeves. Played up with a statement jewelry it doesn't look that conservative anymore.

So this was my haul for my office experience. Again you don't have to wear only blouses. It is absolutely fine when you don't look that conservative as long as it stays sophisticated.

Hope you liked this haul! Please let me know what you wear while working in an office for a short while.

Wish you a wonderful day!
Lots of love,


Fall Fashion Trends 2012

Fall is here and it is not only my favourite season but also always has the best fashion collections in store. The last couple of days I was browsing through the latest collection in online stores and in the city. Thus, I want to present you my favourite fall fashion trends 2012 that I found in stores. If you want to know what is currently on trend in the fashion world then keep on reading! 
Leather jackets, leather pants, leather short and leather blouses - the leather "all-over-the-body" edgy rock look has reached its peak point in this fall season.
Patterned trousers
Fall appropriate patterned trousers are totally in trend for this season. Waxed coated trousers as well as patchy jeans or satin trousers are so hot.
Military style
This seasons we go to the army. We can't find blue or black jackets with golden buttons but real military army green and camouflage clothes are now in stores.
They shape everyones figure to the most beautiful mermaid body shape and are definitely an eye-catcher on every evening dinner.
Printed shirts & Collar shirts
Both trends are known from the summer but will be super hot in fall again. Combined with a cool leather trousers a printed shirt enhance the fall edgy rocker look and your collar shirt gives a sophisticated and stylish look.

Collars are trendy since quiet a while but this fall they definitely have to worn to your blouses and over some stylish sweaters.

Of course there are plenty of other really cool fashion trends out there, however, these are the ones that I liked the most. Also long coats and fur can be found in store this season, so just have a look in your local fashion stores. It is worth it!

Hope you liked this post & tell me which trend you like most?

Have a wonderful day!
Lots of love,


Design Your Individual Phone / Kindle / Laptop / IPad Case

Inspired by the current uploaded video by theStyleDiet where she reported about her new laptop case by Caseable, so I just headed over to their website without any further expectations. I didn't even intended to buy something at all as IPad and laptop cases are not that hard to get. However, two have caught my eye:
1. You are able to design your case absolutely individually with a specific interior colour and your personal motives. 
2. They offer Kindle cases which are incredibly hard to get here and are mostly really expensive and don't look stylish at all.

Even though some might think why do I need that kind of case, I think this idea is absolutely amazing. We are all individuals, we all have different preferences, hobbies and personalities. Why not then have individual cases that express our personality and are an absolute joy to have?!

Caseable promises that "no product is produced in Asia. Our smartphone cases are produced in the heart of Germany and all other products come from Brooklyn, New York. Usually products are manufactured and ready to ship within 1 to 3 business days. This means you will receive the custom products only a few days after you order." They "ship to customers in the United States, Canada and all member states of the European Union plus Switzerland."

I ordered my personal Kindle case, that I am looking forward to showing this in public. Please check out their website! What do you think about this idea?

Wish you a wonderful day!
Lots of love,


Fall Loves Tag!

During my way back home I came to the idea to do a fall tag and found this one in the internet. It is from last year, but because I am so in fall/autumn mood, I just thought it might be appropriate to boost my fall anticipation  with this really nice tag. So let's start!


Beauty & Fashion:
1) Top 5 fall makeup items?

Essence quattro in 07 over the taupe. Catrice eyeshadow in 070 mr. copper's field.
Essence metallic eyeliner pencil in 03 Show Off. Astor Shine Deluxe Lipgloss Fuchsia Saphire.
Catrice Ultimate Colour Lipstick 030 Ginger & Fred. Rimmel Moisture Renew Lipstick Vintage Pink.

2) Favorite Fall hair product?
Bobby pin with corduroy flower from Accessorize.
I know that this is not a real hair product, but I love this bobby pin as the extra touch for any hairstyle in the autumn so much that I had to mention it.

3) Favorite Fall Nail Polish?
Manhattan Lotus Effect longlasting 45Q. Basic nailpolish. Essence Metallic nail polish 02 Copper Rulez!.

4) Favorite Fall scent?

Perfume-wise: Joop All About Eve. Other: Leaves, pumpkin

5) Most worn clothing item & accessory?
Mavi corduroy dark red jeans.

Random Fall Questions!:
1) Who's your Fall Style icon?
Currently I love Jessica Alba and streetstyles from Lookbook.nu.

2) Going to a corn maze, what do you wear?
Something casual like riding boots, skinny jeans, a t-shirt and comfy hoddie.

3) Favorite Halloween movie?
I am not a huge fan of horror films, I more prefer thriller so I would choose "The Crimson" Rivers".

4) Favorite Halloween candy?
The regular bats as gummi bears.

5) What are you being for Halloween?!
In Germany Halloween isn't celebrated that much. So if I would be invited to a Halloween party I would go for a lion, cat woman or a vampire.

So that's it with the Fall Tag! I hope you liked this Tag as much I liked doing it! Please tell me what your fave fall make-up items are?

Wish you a wonderful day!

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